Reporting Observations

The community plays an important role in understanding our fisheries, even those that don’t tag fish or even fish at all. Community intelligence plays a vital role in addressing issues as they arise but they also play an important role in research. We have developed a range of Community Reporting options under Suntag by filling in the online forms below.
Reporting from the community
Reporting a Recapture (make sure you collect the tag number, date caught, species, location and if possible length)
Reporting a Sighting of Juvenile fish (try to record date, location and species)
Reporting a Fish Kill or Stranded Fish (try to record date, location and species)
Reporting a Species in an unexpected place (try to record date, location and species)
Reporting a Noxious Species (try to record date, location and species)
Reporting a Diseased Fish (try to record date, location and species)

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